Admission Arrangements
In line with LA Policy, the School has one intake into Reception class in the September of each year. The school academic year runs from 1st September to 31st August and children are admitted in the September prior to their fifth birthday. Our official admission limit is 30.
Upon confirmation of a School place for the start of the academic year, parents are invited to an Intake Meeting in the Summer Term to discuss their child’s transition. Here, parents will have the opportunity to meet the Head of School and Reception teaching and support staff. Parents will be able to visit classrooms and have a look at examples of activities their children will be engaged in. It is an informal, enjoyable event where parents can meet others whose children will be starting school at the same time. Children have the opportunity to visit their new class and meet their new teacher and classmates during the Summer Term before they are due to start school.
We hold annual Open Mornings & Afternoons in the Autumn Term specifically for parents of school children due to be admitted in the next academic year and these are published on the home page of the website once dates have been finalised.
Further information on the Local Authority Guidelines for intake to Reception in September or in-year transfers and admissions can be found using the link below. All relevant forms can also be found using the same link:
Or contact:
School Admissions, Contact Warrington, 26/30 Horsemarket Street, Warrington, WA1 1XL
Telephone: 01925 446226